Mobile App Development with Flutter!

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What is FLUTTER?

Mobile App Development is the way to develop or to implement or to give your idea a face of a mobile application. It can be done in mainly two different phases — Front End and Back End. Earlier, we need to code separately for Android and iOS but thanks to GOOGLE for developing UI toolkit FLUTTER which is used for crafting beautiful, natively compiled applications for mobile, web, and desktop from a single codebase. It is a free, open-source, and more importantly cross-platform application used by developers and organizations.

Which Programming language is used in Flutter?

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Dart programming language is used to create Flutter Apps. Dart is another awesome product by GOOGLE which is object-oriented and looks a bit like C Programming language.

INSIDE Flutter…….

It is basically used to develop 2-D applications. You can choose Android Studio SDK or any editor which supports flutter and dart extension. Everything inside flutter works like Widget. There are so many widgets in flutter and most of them are of Material Design. You can also find Apple-styled (Cupertino) widgets. Material is a Design System created by GOOGLE and is heavily used by them and is highly customizable. Android Emulator can be used to debug your newly created application or you can go with the more easy way to debug it using your phone by enabling the USB Debugging option in your device settings in Developer Mode which is the better way and I prefer to use this as the emulator requires a large part of system memory to run and thus requires a minimum of 16 GB RAM. You can learn more at

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There’s a lot about FLUTTER we can discover and learn about it.

Written by Tanishq Varshney

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